Indie Collaborative

The Indie Collaborative was founded in 2015 to be the vehicle by which independent musicians and industry professionals could find each other, and form lasting bonds of friendship. We manage our events and public information here on this website and on our public Facebook page.

Using our website and social media platforms, our members can find collaborators to write or perform with, anywhere in the world. In addition, we have events a few times each year where we meet in person. We put on several kinds of events. There are showcases, where 20+ of our members can perform for each other in 5 minute blocks – anything they want! Then there are curated shows that we fully produce, again with our members, but which are intended for the public to attend. Then there are chapter meetings and social events from time to time where we can simply meet and exchange ideas and friendship. Countless collaborations have occurred as a result of the IC: a lyricist finds the composer he’s looking for, or a vocalist finds the songwriter or accompanist she needs. It’s a long list of successful collaborations.

We don’t hold contests or give out awards – we’re about connecting musicians together and forming lifelong bonds of friendship centered on and around music and the creative arts.

Although we were founded with musicians, the IC is now comprised also of actors, poets, writers, dancers, make-up artists, producers, photographers … it’s a very long list of people in the creative arts, both on the stage or behind the scenes. If that sounds like you, please join us! It’s free to be a member.